Emma Nutrition

Simplifying the science through cooking and education. When I'm not on Mummy duties…

20 Nutritional Visionaries You NEED to know about!

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Perhaps it is the geek in me, but I just can’t get enough of other Nutrition experts websites; blogs, recipes, general foodie chat. You name it, I will read it, or watch it. I’ve worked with some of the industry’s most professional and hard-working Nutritionists and health professionals and you know what? Most of them are movers and shakers, big-thinkers and innovators. They are Nutritional Therapists, Nutritionists, Dieticians and Doctors or Chiropractors with Nutritional training or simply highly knowledgeable individuals. Their skills are diverse: women’s health, cooking, supplements, research, weight loss, networking, presenting and lecturing. Some of them you may have heard of….others perhaps not, but they all have similar qualities in common: success, passion and heart-felt caring and they are all on my very own New Years Honors List 😉

So what do I recommend you do with this list? Go and check them out of course! Look them up on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. Read their blogs, websites and books. Watch their videos. We are all on a constant learning path and these people are worth learning from!

In no particular order….

1. Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride – Natasha has an extraordinary story. Her son was autistic so she set out to discover everything she could do to help him (just like any parent of a child with any challenge would do). She discovered that food sensitivities were a major cause of many cases of autism so she developed a diet; the GAPS Diet, that could not only prevent worsening of symptoms but treat the symptoms. This reversed her son’s autism. Her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome can be found here.

2. Ross Bridgeford – Ross is a lovely guy who has been living and breathing everything there is to know about the alkaline diet for over 10 years. He has recently launched a new online course for alkalising and has a fab Xmas recipe book available.

3. Jena la Flamme – Jena is a fellow Aussie so of course I love her! She lives in NYC and has an amazingly inspirational programme called Pleasurable Weight Loss. She is one of the great movers and shakers of our time when it comes to supporting women and men on their weight loss journey. She runs some fab free webinars as well as online courses and pleasure camps.

4. Dr John Briffa – Doctor, wellness expert and author of The Diet Trap – lose weight without calorie counting. That is my kind of book as, you probably know, I am not a huge fan of simplistic calorie counting.

5. Dr Eleni Tsomp – a Doctor with a Masters in Nutrition, Eleni has some lovely Greek recipes on her blog as well as some fascinating research articles.

6. Amanda Ford – a Nutritionist in Australia Amanda has some truly healthy and tasty recipes on her site. She has even reminded me that I forgot to make rum balls this Xmas which means I will just have to do Xmas all over again….

7. Priya Tew – Priya is a Dietician and Pilates instructor who posts cute videos of her and her gorgeous daughter cooking. She has just released her first ebook on baby breakfasts that can be found here

8. Amanda Hamilton – Author of the book Eat, Fast, Slim, Amanda is regularly seen in the media and runs what sound like some pretty awesome health retreat holidays.

9. Dr Marilyn Glenville – Marilyn was a lecturer on my Masters degree course and her knowledge is simply amazing. I could have listened to her for days! Her specialism is women’s health and boy does she know her stuff! Her favourite books of mine are “Fat around the Middle” and her new book “Natural Solutions to PCOS“.

10. Andrea Nakayama – offering the refreshingly accessible online Resolution Detox this Nutritionist really rocks the anti-discipline detox world. Her detox is about loosening and releasing the normal shackles of ‘should’ resolutions.

11. Yvonne Bishop-Weston – London Nutritional Therapist with a fab book on vegan cooking. Find her book The Complete Book of Vegan Cooking here.

12. Dr Alyssa Burns-Hill – Alyssa’s book Weight loss winners and dieting downfalls is a must-read if you think you may have hormonal issues related to weight loss barriers. She has a supportive attitude to breaking through hormonal barriers and emotional eating.

13. Louise Digby – a specialist in Nutrition for skin health Louise has a clinic located near me in Essex, UK and offers packages to improve skin, alongside any other health conditions. You can find her packages here.

14. Dr Deanna Minchin – Deanna is into functional medicine in a big way; she even teaches at the Institute of Functional Medicine. Deanna is miles ahead of the curve with her views on food not just being about science but also about spirituality. She offers a free report here

15. Jane McClenaghan – Jane has recently released the Vital Nutrition cookbook – full of tasty recipes for energy and vitality. She often features on local Belfast radio and TV.

16. Michael Pollan – an acclaimed teacher, lecturer and writer Michael has authored numerous books. He discusses mostly food, the preparation and mechanics of it. You can read one of my favourite books of his In Defence of Food.

17. Jessica Scott – Jess has a private practice in London as well as being head of Nutrition for the company Graze – how does she find the time?!

18. Angelique Panagos – Angelique is a London Nutritional Therapist with a funky detox program that she runs called Metabolic Detox. She is running a cooking demonstration at a fab chain in London called Carluccio’s – if you come to London you just have to go to Carluccio’s for Italian food.

19. Dr David Perlmutter – David featured on The Gluten Summit this year and his discussion of grains affecting our brains through alzheimers, dementia etc was simply fascinating. He is a Medical Doctor who has written a book called The Grain Brain which I haven’t yet read but look forward to doing so.

20. Dr Rodney Ford – Rodney is a pediatric expert on chronic health problems, food allergy, respiratory allergy, gluten-sensitivity, celiac disease, and gastrointestinal problems. Also on The Gluten Summit he has a controversial book out called Zero Global all about why we should be going gluten free. There are some pretty strong emerging arguments.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any additions to my list top Nutritional visionaries please comment below. Feel free to share the love too and retweet, reblog, post to Facebook or Google + etc

A special shout out goes to All Seasons Cyclist for giving me the inspiration for this idea from his 2012 round up last year!

Author: EmmaNutrition

Emma Wight-Boycott MSc mBANT is a natural health expert with a passion for simplifying the science. Emma works with post natal mums, weekend runners and those with digestive issues to find the source of their health issues and rediscover their health mojo.

One thought on “20 Nutritional Visionaries You NEED to know about!

  1. Pingback: So Refreshed Lol! Nutritional Detox off and running… | Moonlit Prairie

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